Healthy Recipes Wiki

Coastalfisherie Coastalfisherie 14 February 2011

Fish Oil Fish Meal Fish Oil India Fish Oil Manufacturers

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 11 February 2011

Can Diet Soda Cause a Stroke?

Researchers at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference 2011 conducted an experiment on this topic, the results might steal your fizz.

  • Diet soda might make you feel better about your waistline but it could also cause your brain to blow a fuse in the form of a stroke.
  • A study by the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference found that those who drink diet soda might have a much higher risk of vascular events such as stroke when compared to those who don't drink soda at all.
  • Researchers followed volunteers for an average of 9.3 years, tracking the health histories and in particular whether or not vascular events had occurred.

"This study suggests that diet soda is not an optimal substitute for sugar-s…

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DaedalusHowell DaedalusHowell 9 February 2011

Is Chocolate a Healthy Aphrodisiac?

Sexperts of every stripe have long postulated the efficacy of so-called aphrodisiacs. Urban myths about “Spanish Fly” notwithstanding, there are several compounds alleged to inspire arousal in the subject of one’s affections. Not to be confused with erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra and its ilk, a true aphrodisiac is meant to inspire amorous feelings in the imbiber rather than mere mechanical functionality. Just as any nutritionist will tell you the best ways to get your vitamins are through foods that contain them, the same is true for aphrodisiacs. King among them is chocolate . Moreover, it might be the healthiest Valentine you get this February.

Far more complicated a contribution to one’s Valentine-inspired notions than m…

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Antonia Antaras Antonia Antaras 9 October 2010


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis article is about culinary recipes. For a discussion of semiconductor IC recipes, see Semiconductor fabrication.A recipe is a set of instructions that describe how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.

Modern culinary recipes normally consist of several components

  • The name (and often the locale or provenance) of the dish
  • How much time it will take to prepare the dish
  • The required ingredients along with their quantities or proportions
  • Equipment and environment needed to prepare the dish
  • An ordered list of preparation steps
  • The number of servings that the recipe will provide
  • the texture and flavour

Some recipes will note how long the dish will keep and its suitabilit…

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Kimberly McCollister Kimberly McCollister 22 September 2010

Changes to the look of Healthy Recipes!

As you may have noticed, Healthy Recipes Wiki got a face lift. We are excited about the changes and hope that it makes our wiki even more fun to use. Still, we know that big changes rarely go without a few glitches. We would love to hear what you think about the redesign. Whether you love a new feature or find something hard to use, let us know what you think by clicking on the green "feedback" button on the top left of the screen. Also, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to leave a comment on this blog or leave me a message on my talk page.

Have fun editing and happy cooking!

Kim]]) 16:58, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

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BumblebeeTM BumblebeeTM 16 September 2010

Variations on Rice and Beans?

Any good ones?

Use of other grains...

I love lentils. With couscous, or brown rice...

Also, good old black beans and rice. What spices do you guys use?


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BumblebeeTM BumblebeeTM 16 September 2010

cost-effective healthy eating

I'm a college student. So, naturally, I don't have enough cash to eat organic, or entirely local; as well as the fact that I don't have a lot of spare time in which to cook.

That said, it's extremely important to me to eat well, and also to stay connected to what I'm eating-- as in cook, or at least be somewhat involved in the food preparation. When I go to the cafeteria, I avoid the hot food, making myself a sandwich or salad instead.

This week, I got ingredients for two dishes that I will cook:

1. Pork chops with spaghetti squash and fresh corn pancakes (--because I wanted to make cornbread, but don't have the right pan...)

2. Parm/Asiago Risotto with Orange Garlic Grilled Chicken and Broccoli

Of course, after making buying the ingredients,…

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I.Gre.delle.Marche I.Gre.delle.Marche 9 September 2010

Corte di Cassazione

CASSAZIONE=Associazioni legittimate a costituirsi parte civile nei processi per reati ambientali= GIOVEDI' 09 SETTEMBRE 2010Le associazioni sindacali e ambientali possono costituirsi parte civile nelle controversie relative ai danni causati dalle emissioni di gas delle imprese.

Read Full Post 1 August 2010

veggies, fruits, grains and legumes

Just as important as not overeating and obtaining the right number of calories in the right proportion from each of the macro-nutrients (which is what the Diet Plan Calculator does), is to include veggies, fruits, grains and legumes when you select foods for the Meal Planner.

Read Full Post 1 August 2010



Okay, I know this sounds like one of those diet advertisements but I've been searching for something that would keep me full without adding any calories. The next best thing has been the spinach meal which provides the calories of one complete meal but which can not be consumed in less than 6 hours. The fact that for this reason only about half to 3/4ths can be consumed before bedtime around 150 to 300 calories are automatically dropped from your intake and that is what makes it work. Feeling hungry? Take a sip of the spinach smoothie and get back to work. If you only eat half of it by the end of the day you have lost 300 calories for the day. A…

Read Full Post 1 August 2010


If you look for ways to juice vegetables you invariably find claims that one method is superior to another. What might make one method superior to another is its ability to open every single cell to release the liquid inside.

One method which accomplishes this is slow freezing. By slow freezing I mean freezing that takes place at rates akin to changes in weather or putting something in the family freezer. Fast or flash freezing on the other hand occurs so quickly and at such a low resulting temperature that there is little probability of cell wall being breached, which is the intention. If thawed and re-frozen, however, the cell walls will indeed be breached. Ask any orange grower.

While this is the disadvantage of re-freezing for some foods…

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Elle Bee Elle Bee 29 July 2010

Organic Munchies

Last Saturday, I ate a piece of fruit- a nectarine, to be exact. And while I’ve had plenty of nectarines before, this experience was different. Perhaps it was the little red and yellow sticker that told me I was eating “organic” that did it. As I tore the nectarine’s skin and consumed the fruit, I knew it would be an experience like no other. The fruit was cool, fresh, and crisp. As I continued to devour the fruit, I realized that this was the first time I had actually tasted a nectarine. Was my experience colored by the little organic sticker? I’m not sure, but I now find myself asking, “Organic fruit, where have you been all of my life?”

Why do we eat organic? It certainly isn’t the price. And while organic products tend to cost more than…

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Elle Bee Elle Bee 9 July 2010

Do You Want Mayo on That?

Whenever I eat a sandwich, I like it to have a little zest- you know, oomph. When I say oomph, that means I’m looking for something more than the standard lettuce and tomato fare. You might be thinking to yourself, “Why doesn’t she just add a little pepper?” I’ll admit, pepper (sometimes) does the trick, but not always. The oomph I’m looking for has to do with the stuff that holds the sandwich together. Bread? Close, but not quite. I’m talking about Mayonnaise, aka, The Glue. Although it is high in cholesterol, mayonnaise remains an integral part of the sandwich experience as countless eateries (and individuals) rely upon it if for no other reason than that it is familiar. But what about all these healthy alternatives we keep hearing about…

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Elle Bee Elle Bee 2 July 2010

In the Mood for Garlic?

Yes, that’s right; I want to talk about garlic. Let’s just forget for the moment that the word is often associated more with vampires than it is with food. Garlic is probably one of my favorite… vegetables? spices? herbs? I really don’t know what to call it, so I’ll just say it’s delicious. In actuality, garlic is both a vegetable and an herb. Who knew? I had the pleasure of making this discovery a few nights ago while out to dinner with a friend. I ordered a pasta dish with roasted garlic and the waiter casually mentioned that in addition to being a vegetable, garlic is also an herb. And to think I’ve gone years without knowing this! I like to use garlic on everything- chicken, beef, fish. My all-time favorite recipe involves marinating…

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Elle Bee Elle Bee 25 June 2010

Summer Eatin': Salads

Summertime brings a lot of change. The weather shifts from gloomy clouds to radiant skies with the hope that the season never comes to an end. But one thing remains the same. The oft-repeated question, “What’s for dinner?” is one that knows no season. Planning a summer meal can be difficult as temperatures rise and the desire for ice cream and other cold, sweet treats prevails. Instead of declaring a moratorium on healthy eating, try indulging in a healthy salad. A salad may sound boring, but the thought of biting into a piece of crisp, cool lettuce on a sweltering afternoon might be enough to rev the taste buds of even the most discriminating eater. Salads are probably one of the easiest summer meals to prepare as there is often no need t…

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Zenpawn Zenpawn 19 June 2010

vegan blog


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Kimberly McCollister Kimberly McCollister 14 June 2010

When should I buy organic?

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Kimberly McCollister Kimberly McCollister 14 June 2010

What do you consider healthy?

Read Full Post 30 May 2010

Meal planner suggestion


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