Healthy Recipes Wiki

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes

Cook Time: no cook time

Yields: 64 ounces


NutraLoaf is a meal "cake" served in prisons to inmates who have proven unworthy of meals that require utensil's and for other disciplinary reasons. The taste of NutraLoaf is notorious for being unpalatable and unappetizing although providing all of the required nutrients a person needs in one day. Some prisoners prefer to go hungry rather than to eat another serving of NutraLoaf and some have sued the Department of Corrections for cruel and unusual punishment. NutraShake is an alternative meal, which can be sweetened or flavored but like NuraLoaf can not be eaten over and over for long periods of time, although it provides a balanced and complete diet. The reason is that human beings have become accustomed to a variety of foods which make life worth living and once deprived of these foods humans tend to stop eating and demand something they are willing and able to eat. On the other hand a diet of NutraShake meals can promote excellent health, weight loss, and overall condition when eaten along with other regular meals that make up for the deprivation regular meals like bacon and eggs, etc.


584.61 cal, 25% fat, 62.5% carbs, 12.5% protein

Nutrient Source Grams/meal Calories/meal
sodium bicarbonate 1.19
potassium chloride 0.04
canned chicken 8.79 10.02
corn meal mix 18.86 63.88
milled flax seed 6.79 38.14
peanut butter 24.53 142.58
peanut or olive oil 2.18 19.00
plain potato flakes 90.02 310.98


Place blender Jar on scale and reset scale to zero. Add the corn meal mix, potato flakes and oatmeal to bowl by weight. Add enough water to make a liquid NutraShake. Add onion powder or go in the other direction and add sweetener or other flavoring. Blend on medium speed until thoroughly blended. Yum. Enjoy.